Planning and Transportation Cabinet Advisory Board - Monday 10 July 2023, 6:30pm - Start video at 0:04:31 - Tunbridge Wells Borough Council Webcasting

Planning and Transportation Cabinet Advisory Board
Monday, 10th July 2023 at 6:30pm 









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Seat 3 - 0:00:00
right thank you good evening, everyone.
welcome to this planning and transportation Cabinet Advisory Board. Today, Monday, the 10th of July 2023 I'm Councillor Hugo Pound, and I will be chairing this meeting before we start. Please could you give your full attention to the following announcements, thanks Lewis?
Thank you Chair good evening. Everybody, in the event of a firearm agreeing, continuously must immediately evacuate the building at walking pace officers will escort you via the most direct available route. No one is to use the left. We will make our way to the fire assembly points by the entrance to Town Hall Yard, car park, on Munson, Way, once outside, a check will be made to ensure everyone has safely left and no one is to re-enter the building until advise us is safe to do so. This is a public meeting, proceedings are being webcast live online and recording the also made available for playback on the council's website shortly afterwards, any other third party may make a recording of Offill meetings unless exempt or confidential information is being considered, but are requested as a courtesy to others. To give most of this to the clock, the council is not liable for any third-party recordings.
can I remind everyone to use the microphones when speaking and turn them off when you are not. The red light indicates that the microphone is on any comments that are not recorded. The webcast may not be included in the minutes of the meeting.
It is very important that the outcomes of this meeting are clear. At the end of each substantive item, the Chairman will ask whether the matter is agreed in the absence of a clear majority, or if the Chairman decides a full vote is desirable. A vote will be taken by a show of hands. Members requesting a recorded vote must do so before the vote is taken.
those registered to speak will be asked to come to the microphone after
the instruction
to the relevant item they'll have three item 3 minutes to address the committee after which they will
stop speaking.
thank you, thank you very much for the benefit of the recording we're going to take a roll call, the clock will call your name and, if you are present, please turn on your microphone and introduce yourself,
thank you, Councillor LB
Councillor Pope present.
councillor Power.
Councillor Roberts
Councillor Brice, present
Councillor Barrington, King,
councillor Macmillan.
Councillor O'Connell, present.
councillor Warmington, present
Councillor Rogers
and officers and go back.
and Deborah Dixon present.
and I believe we have a guest man back, Councillor Waugh.
thank you.
members of the committee should be familiar with the process, but for the benefit of any members of the public who may be watching or listening, I would like to explain a couple of things.
members of this advisory board have had their agendas for over a week and have had the opportunity to ask any factual questions of the officers ahead of this meeting.
When we come to the substantive items on the agenda this evening, the relevant officer will then set out their report, registered speakers will then be invited to make their statements. We will then move into member discussion at the end of the debate. I will try to summarise the views of the board and its members should ensure that any proposals or actions are correctly captured
in a slight change to that, I am actually going to suggest that our Speaker, a councillor, should speak before the officer does so the officers have an opportunity to respond to any issues that are raised. that will be at item 6, thank you

1 Apologies

we move to Item 1 on the agenda, which is apologies for absence.
could we please note any absences that have been notified. Thank you,
yes, charity received apologies from Councillor Barris and for the benefit of recording Councillors. A Power and Macmillan are not present at the start of the meeting.

2 Declarations of Interests

Thank you very much agenda item. Two declaration of interests agenda item two is to receive any declarations of interest in items on the agenda this evening. Does anyone have any such declarations to make
I see none,

3 Notification of Persons Registered to Speak

so we'll move on.
notification of persons registered to speak as agenda item 3, we do have one speaker I understand.
yes, Chair Councillor Martlands registered to speak on item 6, the Paddick would N D P.

4 Minutes of the meeting dated 23 January 2023

thank you very much agenda item 4 is the minutes of the meeting dated the 23 of January 2023.
the only issue relating to the minutes that are under scrutiny this evening are their accuracy, are there any amendments to those minutes of the meeting of January 2023?
I see no.
or for
a clear majority in favour of approving those minutes.
thank you.

5 Forward Plan as at 23 June 2023

agenda Item 5
is looking at the Forward Plan as of the 23 of June at 20.23, do Members have any comments on the Forward Plan that is published as part of this agenda?
OK, I'll be agreed.
agreed, thank you.

6 Paddock Wood Neighbourhood Development Plan

agenda item 6 is the Paddock Wood neighborhood development plan, before I invite the principal policy planning officer to speak, I invite Councillor Ma Monday to have his three minutes on the neighbour on the Paddock Wood Neighbourhood Plan.
thank you.
many thanks
to the Neighbourhood Plan within Paddock Wood TownCouncil has been ongoing since 2014 and we're now pleased to present it to the Town Borough Council for approval for the referendum in September.
as the Examiner has said in his report, the local borough plan is still at a stage of evolution and it is recommended changes for the referendum edition of the Neighbourhood Plan he has changed the part of Wood Neighbourhood Plan to forward, in line with the borough plan, the local plan so when the borough local plan is finalised. we'd like to emphasise that we would like to take the opportunity at that point to revisit those areas if the local plan is different to what we've seen now today. to come up with a revised approach, I understand it is still possible and it makes reference to that in the document, so I'm just so flagging that we would want to use that option
in particular I see two issues that might give rise to concern one would be obviously Cable and the evolution of how that Neighbourhood Plan evolves and will then potentially affect East Cable which in effect is Paddock Wood. no, they are going to use it, it would roads and infrastructure, and I think the Neighbourhood Plan within Parrett Wood should be beefed up to reflect that
no main concerns I have personally not the Town Council, the borough councillor is around the road network within Mainstone, commercial and church roads and the parking their their already log jammed as they are
and with the extra,
doubling the size of the
ins examiner makes reference to in 5.1 5.7 with
increasing 100% of the dwellings in Paddock Wood, and that needs to be reflected in the infrastructure that Palin would all have going forward case in point is that the bad sort of element and the Church Farm and muscles farm developments there in the slate we are due to have a realignment of the Battle Road and Maidstone Road
that still hasn't happened yet? the plans haven't been approved or even designed, so we need the infrastructure before we have the development, what we're trying to do in these neighbourhood plans is build homes knocked weddings and communities know that people can fry them and to do that we need the infrastructure there first to make sure that people can basically embrace what's going on and not pushing back.
thank you for your time.
thank you very much.
can I now turn to Deborah Dixon? principal policy planning officer, pleased to introduce our report on the Paddock Wood neighborhood development plan.
thank you, Chair and good evening members, so the report for the Paddock Ward Local Development Plan starts on page 29 of this committee agenda
and the report before you sets out the progress made on the Paddock Wood Neighbourhood Development Plan, which began production in July 2020
the report as sets out it provides the background to the production of the MDP Neighbourhood Development Plan and the weight to be given to the policies within the Neighbourhood Development Plan as the plan progresses towards being made
once made the policies in the Neighbourhood Plan become part of the statutory development plan for the area to which they relate and in this instance this is for the parish of Paddock Wood.
the report sets out, at section 2, the details of the previous stages of the preparation of the plan, which included a full consultation with Tunbridge Wells Borough Council and with the general public and other State-held holders at the Regulation 14 stage, that was carried out by Paddock Ward Town Council and then at the Regulation 16 stage that was carried out by Tunbridge Wells Borough Council.
the plan has now been through an independent examination which was undertaken through written representations by the appointed, Examiner Mr. Andrew Ashcroft and no hearings were held in this instance, this is the typical way to which a Neighbourhood Plan examination is undertaken,
Ms Mr. Ash, Cockcroft has now produced his final report and this forms Appendix A to the papers in front of you.
the purpose of that process was to examine the Neighbourhood Plan to see whether it met the basic conditions, and they didn't to recommend modifications to ensure that the basic conditions were met.
these basic conditions, as set out at paragraph 2.9 of the committee report. and in this case, Mr. Ashcroft has put forward modifications in his report to ensure that the basic conditions are met and the nature of the modifications has been discussed between to bring Tunbridge Wells Borough Council and Paddock Wood TownCouncil and agreed by the Town Council
the modifications recommended by the Examiner have now been included in the neighbourhood development plan that's being considered today.
and that's it that can be seen at Appendix C, and it's the draft referendum version of the Paddock Wood Neighbourhood Plan, including all of the examiner's modifications
Appendix D of the report, is the formal decision statement for the N D P.
finally, chair the recommendations as set out in the report at pages 29.
if the recommendations are accepted today, this will be an important step forward in the next stage of the Neighbourhood Plan process for Paddock Wood, for which a considerable considerable amount of work has been undertaken by the local community and the town council to get to this point, thank you.
thank you very much, or do any Members have any questions or other issues that they wish to raise with the Planning Officer Councillor Roberts?
so, although I don't know whether it was the officer or us or yourself
Councillor Monday's point about
relying well wanting to see the Tunbridge Wells, the local plan in and have the option to be able to
visit this, I think a similar question was asked.
the Full Council by Councillor Marc over horsemen m plan and was told
that wasn't an option, I just want to clarify that point, is it an option to revisit or or not?
OK, if I cannot answer that Councillor Roberts, I think they the point, the answer is no not at this stage. the point is the the the plan has been to examination, the independent examiner has examined day his role is specific to consider a to could consider whether the Indy pay meets the basic conditions
the the requirement of the independent examiner is to also consider whether or not the LDP meets with the strategic policies of the development plan, which, in this instance, relates to the current adopted Development Plan, saved policies in the Local Plan, the Core Strategy and the Site Allocations Local Plan which are set out at paragraph 2.1 8 of the papers. However, throughout the various Andy Pay examinations that had been going on, the inspectors have had regard to the emerging Local Plan and for that reason that's why
Mr. Ashcroft in this instance has recommended and it sets out at paragraphs 2.20 and 2.2 1 that there be some additional text inserted into the Neighbourhood Plan plan about the monitoring and review, so it's a similar situation to to Horsmonden, it's it's
basically setting out that the LDP groups
had that opportunity to review and amend the MDP following the adoption of the Local Plan, so at this stage, as I say, the the owner says or the the requirement is to ensure conformity with the strategic policies of the Development Plan which at this moment in time don't actually include the emerging Local Plan but it is the additional text is there to
enable the MDP group to monitor and review it as the emerging Local Plan progresses.
add to that Councillor Roberts, so that my understanding of the horsemen den question from Councillor March was very specifically about the limits of built development in relation to the Parish Council's acceptance of particular vernacular and design and within the Bill, no limits of built development and the modification that was made by the Examiner was to ensure that, the current limits of built development that are being proposed in the submission local plan, which may change or not in a car or subsequent submission, are in conformity with what the Parish is asking for. So there was no difference between them currently, so when we said no, there can't be a change to the referendum plan. That is because they need to be in accordance with each other if, when the local plan is adopted and approved by the local council, as I hope it will be at some point,
if there is a change in the limits of built development, then obviously the neighborhood plan will then be accommodated and will have to fit into those limits so that that that was the reason for saying no to that specific change. At this point, but then there is the same issue with that, it is built into the understanding of the local plan that the neighbourhood development plans may or may be modified in the light of changes to the local plan
could could, I just add, as well that obviously the the Neighbourhood Plan that's before you the saving is
basically the referendum version of the plan that's incorporated all the modifications from the Examiner and those modifications have been agreed with the the Neighbourhood Plan group.
thank you,
thank you.
are there any other questions or issues that Members wish to raise with the officers?
I just got one or two comments if, if I'm I may, just in relation to it.
just just to go back to a couple of the points that were made earlier, in fact, Councillor Munday referred to them as well, is that the Examiner has proposed changes which have now been adopted for the referendum version of this plan.
help to bring the neighborhood development plan into line with with current guidelines and the policies that we currently have within the council, and they have all been accepted by the Parish Council.
all the town councillors in this case.
so the version, as the officers have said that goes to referendum
if it is approved at referendum and is made. then it can't be changed, you can't modify it afterwards, but there is the opportunity to do so in relation to the local plan at a later stage
and, just personally, I did like
a lot of what was written, particularly around long life, loose-fit housing which I think,
is an issue that we, we need to embrace more as a planning authority going forward, which is have a little bit more flexibility about the adaptability of housing, rather than being very insistent about the types of housing that we build, so I thought that was hugely positive, and also I never knew about the bombing of St Andrew's Church in Paddock Wood, so that was a bit of a history lessons that was good.
so the referendum is proposed to go forward on the 14th of September this year
and if, if the majority of those who vote are in favour, then it is made and we have a responsibility to approve it
and if there are no other questions, we have four recommendations in relation to this item which I still read, I shall then ask you whether I'm sorry, yes, I didn't have a question
I had a comment and my apologies,
sorry, apologies for interacting mid-flow.
Well first, I'd like to say you know, I think it's a huge amount of work clearly has gone into this
yeah, from from for four from to the BBC officers from the inspector from yeah, the Parish Council and and of course you know lots of contributions from from others as well, and I I think it's great and I'm looking forward to
you know, sending this of 2 2 to referendum,
I would just like to highlight, as we are an advisory board and
I'd like to highlight or
reiterate, really, a couple of points, that Councillor Munday made
planning in general with relation to
Paddock Wood,
and specifically transport there are, as I see it, two major issues.
which which may which may be considered when the Neighbourhood Development Plan, if if the name of development plan is reconsidered in light of adoption of Local Plan, which is firstly, that
there is generally an issue that a lot of traffic from the surrounding area is being funnelled through the centre of Paddock Wood
and this is a problem that is only going to become more pronounced
as as as the population
of Paddock Wood and the surrounding area grows, and that's certainly something
for, I think
you know whenever whenever we're reviewing
planning our policy, either in the form of the local plan or never development plans, how there's two things affect each other that needs to be considered, how can we make sure that there isn't an excessive weight of traffic being diverted through the centre of password and then as Councillor Munday said as well as there is a specific issue with the layout of the roads?
with regards to Station Road Maidstone Road.
and Commercial Road and have the traffic system around there
forces people forces people but encourages people to
take the long way round or engage in a rather unfortunate rat running, and I think that's something that you know as as and when the local plan is adopted and the neighborhood development plan is being looked at, maybe that's something that could be looked at in a bit more detail, so I just wanted to really put it on the radar of Cabinet
that there there are a couple of things here that I think
as you have heard, that the Parish, Council and and councillors have been to WBC, I think. would if there is an opportunity to let review in more detail, thank you.
thank you, Councillor Wilmington, so that the before I just read out the recommendations, the to summarise some of the comments that I've picked up, and there clearly is a desire to.
to revisit this Neighbourhood Plan as and when the Local Plan is or are finally made by the council to see whether there is complementarity between those two,
and I will feed that back to Cabinet clearly
clear, there was also a desire to ensure that the Caple Neighbourhood Development Plan and its impact upon West Paddock Wood is recognised or East Caple as it might otherwise be called and therefore there needs to be congruence between their plan and Paddock Woods plan and they are at an earlier stage than this one is. we do need, obviously, within the Local Plan, and it's right that the town council at Paddock Wood will raise this again. We need to recognise the road network to accommodate growth in housing, the need for infrastructure, particularly around roads, transport, and you've named a couple of road Station, Road and Commercial Road as well
and the rat running but that will become part of the re-examination of the Local Plan at some point in the future. But I will feed that back. My final one is was the expression I liked from Councillor Munday, which is that we're not building just dwellings, but homes and communities,
and therefore that infrastructural comment resonates
so if that's OK, we'll we'll go to a recommendation, as has been set out in your papers, but I thank you for that we'll take on board those comments. so this report, and that you have in front of you, makes the following recommendations to Cabinet one, that the independent examiners report on the Paddock Wood Neighbourhood Development Plan at Appendix A be noted and published to the Paddock Wood Neighbourhood Development Plan be modified in part as set out in Appendix B.
3, that Cabinet decides to progress the Paddock Wood Neighbourhood Development Plan, as set out in Appendix C to referendum, and agrees the publication of the decision statement at Appendix D
and for the cabinet recommends that if the referendum result on the Paddock Wood Neighbourhood Development Plan is positive, the Council council formally makes the plan as set out in Appendix C, which will be subsequently considered at a Full Council post referendum.
are we agreed?
thank you very much.
that's unanimous,
thank you.

7 Pembury Neighbourhood Development Plan

right let us move on to agenda items 7, which is the Pembury neighborhood development plan, which starts at page 33 on the agenda. I will now hand over to Deborah Dickson again who will introduce the report, thank you.
thank you.
said, the report before us sets out the progress made on the Pembrey Neighbourhood Plan.
It sets out the background to the Neighbourhood Plan and the weight to be given to the policies within the Neighbourhood Plan. As the plan progresses towards being made
once made, the policies in the Pembury Naipaul plan become part of the statutory development plan for the area to which they relate, and in this instance that is Pembury parish.
The report sets out, at section 2, the details of the previous stages of the preparation of the plan which included a full consultation with Tunbridge Wells Borough Council and other organisations and members of the public, at the Regulation 14 stage, carried out by the Neighbourhood Plan Group, and then at the Regulation 16 stage, which was carried out by Tunbridge Wells Borough Council.
the Pembrey current neighbourhood plan has now been through an independent examination which was undertaken through written representations by the appointed examiner Mr. John Slater and no hearings were held in this instance, this is the typical way to which a Neighbourhood Plan examination is undertaken.
Mr. Slater has now issued his final report and this forms Appendix A to the papers in front of you,
the purpose of that process was to examine the Pembrey Neighbourhood Plan, to see whether it met the basic conditions and if they didn't to recommend modifications to ensure that the basic conditions were met.
the basic conditions as set out at paragraph 2.9 of the report and in this case Mr. Slater's put forward modifications in his examination in in in his examiner's report to ensure that the basic conditions are met.
the nature of these modifications has been discussed between to Budge Wells, Borough Council and Pennbury Parish, Council and Pembury, Neighbourhood Planning Group, and agreed by the Parish Council all of the modifications have now been included in the Neighbourhood Planning policy, in a neighbourhood development plan plan policies and at Appendix C you can see the draft referendum version of the Pembrey Neighbourhood Plan which includes all of the examiner's modifications
and Appendix D of the report is the formal decision decision statement for the neighbourhood development plan.
the recommendations as set out in the report at page 262,
and if the recommendations are accepted today, this will be an important step forward in the next stage of the Pembrey Neighbourhood Plan process, for which a considerable amount of work has been undertaken by the local community and the Parish Council to get to this point. Thank you.
thank you very much, members, any questions or.
comments back to our planning officers.
yes, Councillor Roberts.
thank you Chair.
it is bespoke more of a comment rarely that.
is pleased to know that there's a bit of a dependency on cable as well, possibly, and the Tunbridge Wells. the Local Plan. and he might have an impact on the parish council, so it's good to know that that can be revisited clarified the last comments made by the prelude previous speaker now.
and also it's pleasing to note as well that the Examiner congratulated Banbury Parish Council on its work and you recognise that as well we'd been part of that process in the working groups and they put a lot of time and effort into that and which was rewarding to be part of this process
you know looking at the future of the area so thank you that recognition and then,
and I'm pleased he's coming forward here.
thank you very much any other questions or comments.
now the only comment I
yet, Mr. Slater's examiners report, I thought was interesting and Hey, Hey, Hey, he'd walked the Paris clearly
and understood all of the issues, but I do think that his recognition of the amount of effort that the community has put into it has been or has been genuinely significant, and I'm really glad that it's it's moving forward and so the process is very much the same as last time I haven't got much to add in terms of Cabinet's understanding at its meeting other than there seems to be pretty much unanimous support for for the adoption of the plan at some point, so if I may, I'm gonna go straight to.
the recommendations that are within the report, which read as follows the independent examiner's report on the Pembury neighborhood development plan at Appendix A be noted and published
that the Pembrey Neighbourhood Development Plan be modified in part as set out in Appendix B,
that Cabinet agrees to progress the PAN at the Pembrey Neighbourhood Development Plan as set out in Appendix C to referendum and agrees the publication of the decision statement at Appendix D.
and that for the cabinet recommends that if the referendum result on the Pembrey Neighbourhood Development Plan is positive, the Council formally makes the plan as set out in Appendix C, which will be subsequently considered at the next Full Council meeting post referendum.
thank you very much.

8 Cranbrook and Sissinghurst Neighbourhood Development Plan

right and now we move on to agenda item 8, which is the Cranbrook and Sizing Hurst Neighbourhood Development Plan agenda item 8 starts at page 33 on the agenda, and again I turn to Deborah Dickson to introduce it, thank you.
thank you,
so this report sets before you the progress made on the Cranbrook and Sissinghurst Neighbourhood Plan, which began production in March 2017.
report sets out the background to the Neighbourhood Plan and the weight to be given to the policies within the plan at within the Naipul plan, as it progresses towards being made
once made policies become part of the statutory development plan for the area to which they relate and in this instance that is the Cranbrook and Sissinghurst Parish area.
the report sets out, at section 2, the details of the previous stages of the preparation of the plan, which included full consultation with Tunbridge Wells Borough Council stakeholders and members of the public at the Regulation 14 stage, carried out by the parish and at the Regulation 16 stage carried out by the Borough Council.
the plan has now been through an independent examination, which was undertaken through the written representations procedure by the appointed, Examiner Mr. Andrew Ashcroft and no hearings were held in this instance,
Mr. Ashcroft has now assured his bona report and this forms Appendix A to the papers.
the purpose of the independent examination was to examine the Neighbourhood Plan to see whether it met the basic conditions and, if they didn't recommend modifications to ensure that the basic conditions were met,
the basic conditions as set out at paragraph 2 of the committee report and in this case Mr. Ashcroft has put forward modifications in his examiner's report to ensure that the basic conditions are met. and the nature of these modifications has been discussed between Tunbridge Wells Borough Council Cranbrook consistent has Parish Council and the Neighbourhood Plan Group and agreed by the Parish Council
the modifications have now been included in the Neighbourhood Plan and Appendix C of this report.
this is the Neighbourhood Plan that includes the sorry appendix.
so, yes, it's Appendix C apologies Appendix C of this, this report is the Neighbourhood Plan that includes the amendments required by the Independent Examiner.
appendix C Appendix D of the report is the former decision decision statement for the Cranbrook, consistent House Neighbourhood Plan.
the recommendations to this report, as set out at pages 438 and 439 of the committee report of the committee pack
if the recommendation is accepted today, this will be an important step forward and the next stage of the Neighbourhood Plan process for Cranbrook, consistent house, which a considerable amount of work has been undertaken by the local community and by the Parish Council to get to this point, thank you.
thank you very much,
Members, do you have any questions or comments in relation to this plan?
we can see it's a fairly formulaic process now.
Mick, sorry, I don't sort of part time staff,
I don't really have a or any any particular comments, apart from I it's clear that all of these
Labour development plans have taken many years to to develop and gone through a lot of detailed work.
I'd just like to thank everybody, he's been involved in in working on these and getting them to where they are today.
thank you very much and I have one question, if I may, just for for clarity, really for for the Advisory Board, and Cabinet, perhaps is that upon making a Neighbourhood Development Plan, the plan then becomes a material consideration in planning applications.
but my understanding is that it does not override other policies or override the local plan as and when it is adopted by the council, is that right it, so it it shapes our thinking but doesn't necessarily have precedents
are respond to it. Thank you Chair.
The the indie pays. They carry full weight in the decision making process as soon as they've been successful at referendum so that that's prior to them being made so as soon as they're successful that that's when they carry full weight
in terms of the the status of the LDP. As the emerging Local Plan progresses once the the the local plan is adopted, in essence, that
takes precedence over the indie p,
where there are some similar policies so and that that's why it's a good time for the NTP groups to consider whether they they want to review and update their indie pies at that point.
I thank you, thank you for that explanation, but if there are no other questions or comments in relation to this, we'll move to the recommendations of That's OK.
the recommendations in relation to this report are one that the independent examiners report on the Cranbrook and Sissinghurst Neighbourhood Development Plan, at Appendix A be noted and published
that the crumble consisting has neighborhood development plan, be modified in part, as set out in Appendix B
that Cabinet decides to progress the plan as set out at Appendix C to referendum and agrees to the publication of the decision statement at Appendix D.
and for that Cabinet recommends that if the referendum result on the Cranbrook, consisting house neighborhood development plan is positive, the Council formally makes the plan as set out at Appendix D, which will be subsequently considered at a full next. Sorry at the next Full Council meeting post referendum.
Are we all agreed
agreed? Thank you very much,
thank you.

9 Urgent Business

10 Date of the Next Meeting

Therefore, we move to urgent business, which is agenda item 9, to consider urgent business. I can confirm that there is no such business this evening agenda item 10 is the date of the next meeting which is scheduled for Monday, the 4th of September 2023. This meeting is now closed. Thank you all very much